Sunday, May 24, 2009

@ the streets-Tour 5

I believe that a street is not complete without telephone and electric cables hanging around.Street lights are also a necessity.

Early post/ Earthy street

At my friends' house there are many magazines.This street photo caught me.Maybe the foreign architecture caused a reaction somewhere.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Drawings 5

I remember my short trip upcountry.The little townships and shopping centres.When compared to those of the city and their congestion,it's like the total opposite.

Country Bus Terminus

The bus terminus is a nice place to get artistic ideas since it's full of different forms and colours.Sometimes I ask myself why many artists focus too much on painting market scenes and Maasai herdsmen.
Why can't they just go out and see the various subjects available...?

Experiment on Opticals

Scientists like Henri Poincare,began to consider the way mathematics relates to art in 1906 (Value of Science).
It's also important to observe that most optical paintings have similar qualities to music.Therefore Optical art can be described as "visual music" as it communicates by means of visual tunes as it is in music.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Academic visions

I snapped this school gate as a reminder of my "educational days".The academy is located around my home area.I don't know the sign-writer who did it but he did some fine work.
Viewing this from another perspective is like a new form of art but it's quite common here. People have realized that in order to make schools appealing they have to use a bit of art.

More of the basics

Looking back where I came from is kind of moving.All those sketches,bright stickers and colour schemes I did of matatus no longer mean a thing.Life is like a pendulum-always moving back and forth.

Just flying over>.>>

A view from a flyover can be astonishing especially if one is afraid of heights.At the same time it boosts ones creative senses.

Experiment on Opticals

Opticals have many applications in our day to day lives.They are used in fashion(fabric) design,poster design,wall paper design and album covers.
Here in Africa there are used to decorate umbrellas,paper bags and household clothes.