Monday, September 29, 2008

Colour Factory

Painting is like a journey of many miles where the body,mind and soul slowly merge into one whole unit.It awakes your inner being and expands your sixth sense.It's more like evolving from a low being to a more superior being.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What you didn't know

In the first posting of this site,I had mentioned my background as a matatu designer.What I forgot to inform you as the reader was that, I had designed a vehicle together with a friend which got featured in an advertisement.
My pal is known locally as Raphael but currently he specializes in writing signs.
This, to me was the pinnacle of my short career.On top, I also acquired respect from fellow designers and boosted my portfolio.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Freedom and Justice

I did this piece on cardboard using oils as a reaction to the post election violence that rocked my country.It's symbolic in style.
If you look at it closely,one sees on the right the PNU side while on the left is the ODM side.In the middle is a ballot box from which two monsters emerge.These creatures are engaged in a duel type of battle.
In the background are eyes from which tears of blood are flowing,this symbolizes the mourning and bloodshed that took place.
During this time,many artists reacted differently.Some donated their works to help the affected people.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Last canvas"

City crossroads,Acrylics on canvas,20"x16".

This piece is my last of the African street series.Over the time I've developed other genres of painting.Particularly the Abstract Expressionism school of painting.
I hope that I'll be able to capture peoples' minds and inspire them.

Busy day

Days such as these have been really stressful.The reason being having to work under direct heat and light from the sun.Eventually however,the end product i.e. the painting tends to kind of lift once spirit.
I started off painting on a table but now am using a professional easel.Talk of development and growth.

Photo translation

Translating interesting photos such as this one of a busy Nairobi street,has been great.Being able to alter different times using colours really works my creative juices.A photo can be taken at night then translate it to either midday,evening or vice versa.